The Ivy League Preschool

We enable children to learn in the manner they acquire knowledge and skills


The Ivy League Day Care Center D.B.A.
The Ivy League Preschool 

2342 Route 32
New Windsor, New York, 12553

Parents Handbook

To all of our wonderful parents:

    We want your child’s first experience with “school” to be enjoyable and memorable. All children learn at their own pace and we are only here to guide and nurture their process. We believe in enriching children with many different types of pre-literacy environments. The school is set up with different centers that enhance the learning process through structured and unstructured play. For the purpose of this handbook, The Ivy League Day Care Center will be refered to as The Ivy League Preschool.

1) Please be on time. Children should be calm when entering and leaving the school. You will be assessed a charge of $10.00 for every fifteen minutes you are late picking up your child.

2) No one may pick up your child unless they are listed on the registration form and have proper I.D. If there is a problem then you must send in a note to verify that a different person will pick up your child, again with proper I.D. This is for the safety of your child.

3) Once you enter the school to pick up your children, they are your responsibility. Many children will wander off if you are speaking to another parent or teacher. Please be aware of this. The children are your responsibility once they step into the hallway.

4) Nap time is essential for the full time students as sleep is an integral part of development. You may choose the length of rest necessary for your child, either one or two hours. If you choose no nap, the child may play with the manipulatives, look at books, or play quietly with table toys.

5) Dress your child for comfort and play. Overalls, body suits, and belts are very difficult for children when they need to use the bathroom. So that we don’t have scraped toes, no open toe shoes or sandals will be allowed.

6) Children do not have to be potty trained when entering the school. Our teacher assistants will assist your child and the teachers will encourage using the potty.

7) Please put an extra set of clothes in a clear Ziploc bag with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and days he is in the school. This helps the child go on with his day in case of any accidents.

8) We serve juice and snacks to the children. We DO NOT serve lunch. Pack a meal if your child stays for lunch. This can be any types of cuisine the children enjoy, from last nights leftovers to a sandwich.

9) Let us know if your child has any allergies to food or drinks. We need to document any known food allergies.

10) We love to celebrate birthdays. You can send in cupcakes and juice on the day you choose. Please do not distribute invitations to parties outside of the classroom unless everyone in the class is invited to the party.

11) Each child enrolled must have an updated school immunization and registration forms. This file is confidential and will be shared with staff members only as required to meet the needs of the child.

12) All shows/parties will include all the children. If your child is not scheduled for the day of the show, you will be informed of the time to bring your child in. Also, siblings are invited to come to the shows.

13) Any child requiring diapers must have a Ziploc bag with the appropriate diapers, wipes, and any powders or creams used. If powder or cream is to be used, a note should be included stating when and how it is to be applied along with the proper state forms signed in the enrollment packet.

14) Any child requiring sun screen or insect repellent must bring in the lotion or spray and a note stating that it is allowed to be applied to the child, along with the proper state forms signed in the enrollment packet.

15) The children enrolled in The Ivy League Preschool may have their picture taken during school activities for local newspapers, posters in the school, and parties. Please be aware of this. If you do not want your child photographed for any reason, please let us know immediately.


    A non-refundable registration fee of $95.00 is due at time of enrollment and due annually. Once monthly fees are due, they are not refundable, regardless of the circumstances! Fees are due regardless of the child’s attendance, vacation, snow days, or holidays. There is NO credit given for school holidays, a child’s illness, and school closings due to inclement weather or acts of God.
    All payments are due by the first of the month. You will have until the last day of the first week of each month before a 10% late charge will be added to your bill. A $30.00 fee will be assessed for any returned checks. In case of a serious illness, allowances may be made at the discretion of the director regarding fees. If a parent falls one month behind in tuition fees, the child may not return until payment is brought up to date. A 10% discount will be offered to families with more than one child enrolled in a full time program.
(Please see attachment titled Tuition Fees.)


    Following our mission statement, we strive to bring an enjoyment of learning to every child. The Ivy League Preschool’s children will journey through the Land of the Letter People. This curriculum is a multifaceted approach to learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes. Pre-literacy and pre-math skills will be the core of all enrichment programs. Science and social studies are incorporated into the curriculum weekly to give the children a well rounded foundation. Social development and critical thinking skills are also strengthened through daily activities.
    The Ivy League Preschool will have an ongoing curriculum. Work done on non-attending days will not be given out. Each letter usually takes three to five days, so every child will be exposed to some of the curriculum. Please be advised that you are not charged extra for curriculum materials.

    Additional days may be added to part-time children if there is availability at the cost of $50.00 a day except for infants which are $75.00. We do not have a daily rate or a per diem rate; we will only add a day here or there if there is enough staffing on hand. Do not expect to add a day without securing permission from the director.  
When you sign our tuition agreement, you are signing up for one year. Two weeks written notice is needed to withdraw for any reason.

Daily Schedule

9:00 to 9:20           12:30 to 12:50        Free Play
9:20 to 9:45           12:50 to 1:15         Circle-time/Lessons
9:45 to 9:55           1:15 to 1:25           Bathroom time
9:55 to 10:10         1:25 to 1:40           Snack
10:10 to 10:40        1:40 to 2:10          Project
10:40 to 11:10        2:10 to 2:40          Centers
11:10 to 11:20        2:40 to 2:50          Bathroom time
11:20 to 11:30        2:50 to 3:00          Get ready to go home
11:30 to 12:00                                   Lunch
12:00 to 12:30                                   Free Play
12:30 to 2:10                                     Relaxation/Nap time
2:10 to 2:20                                      Bathroom time
2:20 to 2:50                                      Organized and Free Play
2:50 to 3:00                                      Get ready to go home
3:00 to 4:00                                      Free Play
4:00 to 4:30                                      Snack
4:30 to 5:30                                      Homework Help/Table Toys
5:30 to 6:00                                      Story time


    We offer the before and after school program for children ages 6 weeks thru 12 years. We are open from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. If you need extended hours please speak to the Director.

    The Ivy League Preschool will be open for school during bad weather except for State of Emergency days and we follow the Cornwall Central School Districts Closings. Please call the school as we are usually open or check our WEB site
Radio station WSPK 104.7

        Holiday Closings: See Attachment.

    Our School Age Summer Program Offers education and fun to all our students. There are also extended hours for our summer camp.  


    The Ivy League Preschool is open 12 months a year from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Part-time programs are available.  Each child’s hours of attendance must be designated at the time of enrollment


    Enrollment is open to children from six weeks to 12 years of age, provided The Ivy League can meet their needs.  Enrollment shall be granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual preference, national origin, disability, gender, or age.

    After review and evaluation by The Ivy League Preschool, in conjunction with the parents, the children will be grouped according to age and/or level of development.


    Each child enrolled at The Ivy League Preschool must have an updated school record including all State and The Ivy League Preschool’s required forms.  The file is confidential, and will be shared with other staff members only as required to meet the needs of the child.

    The parent is responsible for reviewing, updating and signing off on the child’s medical records annually, or as the child’s medical status changes, whichever comes first.  The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to not accept students who are not immunized.


    The parent is responsible for reviewing for accuracy and signing off on the emergency contact information form every twelve months or as it changes, whichever comes first.  Release authorizations should include the names of every person who may pick up the child.  Only pick-up authorizations received in writing will be accepted.  Additions to the release authorizations telephoned OR FAXED into the office will be accepted.


A parent should notify The Ivy League Preschool by 9:00 a.m. when a child will not be attending school on a scheduled day.

If the child is ill, the parent should notify the Director in order to enable The Ivy League Preschool to keep track of any illness, which may occur at the school.  The information will only be shared with staff on a “need to know” basis.  If your child has a communicable disease, The Ivy League Preschool may ask that you share the diagnosis with the Director so that the parents of other children in the school may be notified.  You are not required to disclose this information by law, and your continued enrollment will not be based on your decision to share (or not share) the reason for your child’s absence from school.


The parent of a child in care shall be permitted free access to their child’s classroom, without prior notice, whenever their child is in attendance.  In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (i.e., Custody Order, Restraining Order, or Protection from Abuse Order, etc) The Ivy League Preschool must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order and all amendments thereto.  The orders of the court will be strictly followed unless the custodial parent requests a more liberal variation of the order in writing. In the case where both parents are afforded shared/joint custody by order of the court, both parents must sign the request for more liberal interpretation of the order.  In the absence of a court order on file with The Ivy League Preschool administration, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. The Ivy League Preschool cannot, without a court order, limit the access of one parent by request of the other parent, regardless of the reason.  If a situation presents itself where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, The Ivy League Preschool suggests that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued.

Visitors should schedule appointments and will be allowed in the childcare areas only at the discretion of the Director.  A staff member will accompany visitors at all times.


The speed limit through the parking lot should not exceed 10 miles per hour.  Parent parking is located at the front of the building.  Parents should not park in spaces reserved for handicapped or emergency vehicles, i.e., fire lanes.  For the safety of all, the children MUST have their hand held in the parking lot and MUST be accompanied by the ADULT dropping them off or picking them up from the building.  After entering the building, children must be directly delivered to the staff person in charge.  Children may not be left unattended in the parking lot and/or in the building.  Parents and children must enter and exit the building through the designated front door.


Upon arrival each morning, parents should escort children to their designated classroom or their assigned area of the building and drop them off with the supervising staff member.  Children are required by law to be under adult supervision at all times.  The staff will assist with the arrival/departure transition.  The Ivy League Preschool encourages parents to establish a comfortable arrival/departure routine with their child and discourages departure without prior notice.

Children attending the morning pre-school program should be settled and ready for the program by 9:00 a.m.

Once a parent enters the classroom, the parent is then solely responsible for supervising their child while on The Ivy League Preschool’s premises.  The parent may not allow a child to wander through the hallways, bathrooms, other classrooms and/or playground.  Parents are required to handle all business issues prior to taking out their child, and are asked to directly exit the building once they have left the classroom.


The Ivy League Preschool maintains a strict policy regarding the individuals to whom we will release a child.  Enrollment forms require a parent to specify at least two individuals to whom the child may be released either on a regular or emergency basis.

Advance written authorization is required for a child to be released to an individual other than the parent.  It is recommended that parents include everyone who might pick up their child on the emergency pick up list and indicate an order in which those people should be contacted.

In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (i.e., Custody Order, Restraining Order, or Protection from Abuse Order, etc.) The Ivy League Preschool must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order and all amendments thereto.  The orders of the court will be strictly followed unless the custodial parent requests a more liberal variation of the order in writing. In the case where both parents are afforded shared/joint custody by order of the court, both parents must sign the request for more liberal interpretation of the order.  In the absence of a court order on file with The Ivy League Preschool administration, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. The Ivy League Preschool cannot, without a court order, limit the access of one parent by request of the other parent, regardless of the reason.  If a situation presents itself where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, The Ivy League Preschool suggests that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued.

Should a person other than the child’s parent(s) or those indicated on the emergency pick up form arrive to pick up the child, a parent and/or the first available person on the emergency contact form will be notified and the child will not be released.  Should an unauthorized person become confrontational or uncooperative with The Ivy League Preschool staff, the Director or person in charge will immediately notify the police.

The Ivy League Preschool will not release a child to any parent, relative, or other authorized adult who appears to be impaired by the use of drugs or alcohol.  In the event this situation occurs, a telephone call will be made to the parent, emergency contact person and/or police.


An annual, non-refundable registration fee is payable upon enrollment and each September when the child is re-enrolled.


Tuition is paid on a monthly basis.  Monthly tuition is due on or before the first of each month.  The tuition folder is located outside the Director’s office or front desk.  If payment is in cash, it must be handed to the Director or the Assistant Director.  Please obtain a receipt for any cash payment at the time payment is rendered.  Checks should be made payable to “The Ivy League Preschool.”  There will be a $30.00 fee for checks returned by the bank.  This fee is due at the time of notification.

There is no credit given for scheduled school holidays, a child’s illness, and school closings due to inclement weather or acts of God.

The Ivy League Preschool’s regular hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  A special fee will be charged for any child not picked up before the School’s designated closing time.  The late fee charged will be $25.00 per child from 6:00-6:15 p.m. with an additional charge of $25.00 for every 15 minutes after 6:00 p.m.   Fees for late pickup must be paid immediately.  If not paid immediately, the child will not be readmitted to the program until these charges are paid in full.  Consistent lateness (two or more late pickups within a one-month period) after 6:00 p.m. may be cause for the child’s dismissal from The Ivy League Preschool.

 If we have not been able to contact a parent or guardian and the child has not been picked up by 7:00 p.m., we are obliged to inform the Department of Social Services, State of New York, and the appropriate local authorities.  Consistent lateness after 6:30 pm will be cause for the child’s dismissal from The Ivy League Preschool. The Ivy League Preschool deems “consistent lateness to be two or more late pickups within a one month period.


Two weeks written notice is required for withdrawing for any reason.  If the required notice is not given, parents will be charged for that period.

The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to terminate the services of any child, without notice, for any reason, so long as the determination is not based in whole or part on the race, color, creed, religion, age, gender, national origin, or disability of the child or child’s parents.  Any unused tuition will be refunded within 30 days of the termination minus any outstanding charges for late fees, field trip costs, etc.  If a parent’s conduct is unacceptable or inappropriate in the sole discretion of The Ivy League Preschool the parent will be barred from entering the facility for the safety and well being of the other children and/or staff.  Due to laws requiring parents to have immediate access to their child the parent’s child/children will have their services terminated.  Once services are terminated, both the child and parent(s) are prohibited from entering The Ivy League Preschool facility and/or premises.


At the time of enrollment the child shall be scheduled for specific days and times. Additional days may be offered based on enrollment, space and staff availability to adequately meet the needs of the additional child.    A fee of $50.00 for each additional day or $75.00 for an infant will be charged.  Parents are required to inform the Director at least 48 hours in advance if they are planning to bring a child for an additional day. 


Children who are ill cannot be appropriately cared for in a preschool setting.  A child who is unable to participate in all school activities due to illness should not be in attendance.  Parent cooperation in keeping a child home when he/she is showing symptoms of illness is essential in order to maintain a proper health environment for staff and children alike.

If a child arrives in the morning showing symptoms of ill health, the school will be unable to accept him/her.  The exception to this requirement would be that a licensed physician has seen the child that day and indicated in writing that there is no health risk to your child or to any of the other children or staff.

Examples of health symptoms that require exclusion from the program include, but are not limited to:

1. Severe pain or discomfort, particularly in joints, abdomen, or ears.
2. Vomiting or diarrhea (two or more episodes in a 2-hour period).
3. Severe coughing or sore throat.
4. Ear temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or more accompanied by other behavioral changes and/or symptoms.  For infants, the temperature reading would be an under-arm reading of 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Jaundice (yellow) skin or eyes.
6. Red eyes with discharge.
7. Infected, untreated skin patches/lesions or severe itching of body/scalp.
8. Difficult or rapid breathing.
9. Skin rashes (excluding diaper rash) lasting more than 24 hours.
10. Swollen joints, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, or stiff neck.
11. Blood/pus from ears, skin, urine, or stool.
12. Unusual behavior characterized by listlessness, loss of normal appetite, or confusion.
13. Symptoms of chicken pox, impetigo, lice, scabies or strep throat.

If a child becomes ill during the day, a parent will be advised immediately.  The child will be given the opportunity to rest or participate in diversionary activities in a separate area until a parent or emergency release person arrives to pick the child up.  If the child is not picked up within one hour from the time of notification, the emergency contact person will be called.  Children who are sent home due to illness will not be readmitted to school until all signs of illness have been gone for 24 hours.  The exception to this requirement would be that a licensed physician has examined the child and indicated in writing that the child does not present a health threat to others and is able to participate in ALL school activities including outdoor play.

In cases of certain communicable diseases, The Ivy League Preschool is required to file a report with the Department of Health within 24 hours so that control measures may be undertaken.  Parents and staff are reminded to notify The Ivy League Preschool within 24 hours if a child or family member has developed a known or suspected communicable disease.  If a child has not been fully immunized for some of these diseases (due to the child’s age, medical condition, or religious reason) he/she will be excluded from the school during an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable illness as directed by the State Health Department.  Examples of “reportable diseases” include, but are not limited to:

Lyme Disease
Whooping Cough
German Measles
Spinal Meningitis
Hepatitis A

All parents will be informed in writing if a communicable disease is reported. The Ivy League Preschool follows the reporting guidelines as established by the State Department of Health.

All children must have a current health appraisal on file as required by the Department of Childcare Licensing prior to admission.  A child will not be admitted to The Ivy League Preschool if a current health appraisal is not on file.


The Director (or a specifically designated staff member) will be responsible for checking the medication forms book and dispensing medication. The Director (or designated staff member) dispensing the medication will sign and date the forms book when medication is give.

When a child needs medication, one form must be completed:

1. The form is a authorization for dispensing medication, which should only be given to the Director (or a specifically designated staff in the child’s classroom).  The authorization form needs to be completed for each new cycle of medication.  Medication will only be dispensed for the dates indicated on the form.  The dates cannot exceed one week’s time period.  A new authorization form will need to be completed for each week.  The authorization form should be given directly to the Director or specifically designated staff member.

The Medication Forms Book will be kept away with access limited to only those personnel designated as “need to know” when and what medications a child needs. Parents may revise their child’s medication form or  leave a doctor’s note with the Director (or a specifically designated staff member) as required.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication dates are current. The Ivy League Preschool will not be able to administer expired medications even if the information in the Medication Forms Book is completed.

Prescription medications must be provided in the original, pharmacy labeled, childproof bottle.  The label must indicate the child’s name, and dosage information.  Prescription medications will only be given to the person indicated on the pharmacy label.  A doctor’s note must be provided with instructions for use, including the date the treatment expires.  If the prescription is an ongoing treatment, the doctor may indicate that in the instructions.    No medications of any kind will be dispensed on an “as needed” basis.

All over the counter medication must be accompanied by a doctor’s note that includes the approved dosage and time.  The doctor’s note must accompany the parent’s signature on the medication form, the note will not negate the parent’s responsibility to fill out the medication form.

ALLERGIES THAT MAY REQUIRE MEDICATION:  If a child has an allergy, which requires emergency medication, an authorization form must be on file.  If it is determined that the child is in need of this emergency medication the Director (or designated staff member) will dispense and document this on the medication log.  The parent will be notified, and upon arrival at the school, the medication log must be completed and signed.

DIAPER CREAMS, POWDERS, SUNSCREEN, ETC.:  If a child requires over-the-counter diaper ointments, lotions or powders, these must be labeled with his/her first and last name.  The parent must complete an authorization form for each type of ointment.  The authorization is good for the duration of the school year.

The dispensation of medication is undertaken as a professional courtesy and not required by law. The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to refuse to dispense medication to any child if the parents have not followed the necessary procedures.


Should a child sustain a minor injury (i.e., scrape, scratch) at school, the parent will be notified via an accident report form.  The parent will be asked to sign this form indicating that he/she has been notified at the time of pickup and a copy of the form will be included in the child’s school record.  If the injury is of a more serious nature the parent will receive a telephone call from the school at the time the accident occurs and a joint course of action will be decided upon.

In the event of an emergency, the child will be transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital or emergency room facility and a parent will be contacted and advised to meet the accompanying staff member at the hospital/emergency facility.  It is extremely important that emergency contact information is up to date.  A child cannot be transported for care, or receive any emergency care at school, unless the waivers for emergency care have been signed.  These waivers are included in the enrollment packet.

      We have recently adjusted our policy regarding aggression. When children are aggressive and leave physical marks on another child, both sets of parents are called but the aggressive child must be taken home.


Children should not bring their toys to school.

Show-and-tell items may occasionally be requested by the child’s teacher.  Suggested show-and-tell items might include books, photographs, special treasures such as seashells, or theme related items. The Ivy League Preschool maintains a “0” tolerance policy with regard to violence.  Anything pertaining to violence (guns, war toys, knives, etc.) cannot be utilized at Ivy League Preschool.  Items relating to one’s religious beliefs, unless mandated by “cannon law” or other religious doctrine, cannot be utilized at The Ivy League Preschool.  Parents with questions regarding a specific item should discuss it with the child’s teacher; however, the use of any items will remain at the Director’s/teacher’s discretion. Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to deem materials inappropriate for a preschool audience and they will not be used.  All show-and-tell items are to remain in the child’s cubby until the Director/teacher deems it appropriate for it to be used.


Any items brought to school must be permanently labeled with the child’s first and last name.

The Ivy League Preschool provides each full-time infant with his/her own crib and mattress or a pack n play for use at the school upon enrollment.

Parents are responsible for providing:
> a minimum of two crib sheets (port-a-crib size);
> several seasonal blankets;
> two or three complete changes of seasonally appropriate clothing;
> diapers and wipes;
> several bibs/burp clothes;
> sweater or sweatshirt and hat;
> all food and drink and the utensils required for food service.

Parents are responsible for washing the crib linens at least once a week, more if required.  Diaper creams and powders are considered medication and, therefore, must be accompanied by the proper Ivy League Preschool authorization form (see Medication Procedures).  All food containers, sippy cups, etc., drinks, bottles, and clothing should be labeled with the child’s first and last name.  Bottles and caps will need to be re-labeled frequently.  Any items required to serve food or drink such as spoons, bowls, cups, etc. must be provided by the parent in a zip-lock type plastic bag with the child’s first and last name clearly indicated on the outside of the bag.  Bottles must be filled at home.  Refrigeration is provided for storing bottles and food.


Parents are responsible for providing:
> two full changes of seasonally appropriate clothing, including socks and shoes.
> diapers and wipes, and/or extra sets of underwear if “in training.”
> a child-sized sheet and blanket for nap time use on cot.
> a labled sippy cup
> lunch and or any special snacks

Extra clothing should be provided as seasons change and as the child grows.  All shoes must have a closed toe and closed heel.  Rubber soled, closed toe and heel shoes such as sneakers are the most appropriate for school shoes.   Appropriate outdoor apparel is needed daily as every effort is made to have some outdoor playtime, even in the winter snow.  To minimize missing items, clothing should be labeled and should be attached when possible (hoods on coats, clips on mittens).  Additional sets of clothing and appropriate underwear will be required when the child is “potty-training.”  Sleeping bags are sent home on a weekly basis for laundering.

The Ivy League Preschool discourages the use of any jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, pins, etc) as these items may present various hazards and/or loss.


Children in the preschool classes are required to lie quietly on their sleeping bags for approximately 30-45 minutes a day.  This allows those children who wish to sleep a quiet length of time in which to do so.  Quiet music is played, the lights are dimmed, and it is a period of relaxation for those who do not nap.  Those children who do not fall asleep during the initial quiet time are offered the opportunity to select a quiet activity such as a book or puzzle to occupy them while their classmates rest.

The Ivy League Preschool makes every effort to meet each child’s individual rest needs.  It is difficult to guarantee a specific length of nap time or a specific wake-up time for each child as rest needs vary with activity level, sleep patterns, etc.  It is equally difficult, and in opposition to our child-centered program, to keep a child awake if he/she wants to rest.


The Ivy League Preschool provides a morning and afternoon snack.  Items such as fresh fruit, graham crackers, pretzels, Cheerios, and vegetables adhere to the guidelines of the USDA childcare food program.  

Parents of infants must send prepared bottles of breast milk or formula.  All bottles must be clearly labeled with the child’s first and last name.  Arrangements may be made for mothers who wish to come to the school to breast feed their infants.  Instructions regarding a feeding schedule that has been previously established with the parent must be provided and these schedules should be updated as necessary when new foods are introduced.  Infant bottles will be reheated in hot water for five minutes, shaken, and temperature tested before feeding.  Any contents remaining in a bottle after a feeding will be discarded.  (It is, therefore, suggested that a small bottle with some supplemental breast milk or formula be provided in the event it may be required at some time after regular feeding).  All regular feeding bottles should be filled with the approximate amount the child will drink at each feeding.  Small (4 oz.) bottles may be most appropriate for a young infant.
All bibs, bottles, cups, bowls, spoons, etc. must be taken home daily.  Department of Health requirements do not allow the school to wash and store these items.

As solid foods are introduced, parents should bring in jars or small containers of food clearly labeled with the child’s first and last name and date.  The Health Department suggests that all food, whether commercially prepared or home cooked, be proportioned in clean and sanitized containers complete with date and a label.  Food should be placed in the refrigerator upon arrival at the school.  In warm weather, it is recommended that perishable food be transported in an insulated cooler.

Parents may provide breakfast for children who arrive prior to 8:00 a.m. All such food should be ready-to-serve in nature.  If any preparation is required, parents should plan to spend the required time assisting their children as the staff will be supervising other children and may not be able to leave the room to reheat such food items.  Children who arrive after 8:00 a.m. should eat breakfast at home as at this point school activities have commenced and do not allow for the supervision of children eating breakfast.  A mid-morning snack is served daily between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.


The Ivy League Preschool makes every reasonable attempt to open on time and remain open to close of day during inclement weather.  However, in cases of forecasted inclement weather, extremely dangerous road conditions, or a state of emergency, it may be necessary for the school to cancel classes, delay opening time, or close the school earlier than usual.  Parents should call the school for announcements of school closings or delays.  Should The Ivy League Preschool, in its sole discretion, determine that for safety the school will close earlier than usual, a parent will be contacted and the parent and/or emergency release contact should make every effort to pick up the child as soon as possible.  If a parent and/or emergency release contact person is prevented by weather conditions from reaching the facility to pick up the child, closing staff members will care for the child and maintain proper staff-child ratios until such time as the child can be safely picked up.

Should the building require emergency evacuation, the staff-child ratios will be maintained and the children will be evacuated to a nearby location.  Each staff member who is responsible for a group of children will carry emergency contact information and class attendance records with him/her to the evacuation site.  Parents will be contacted by telephone, or by radio broadcast if telephone transmission is not possible, as to the location of the evacuation site and their children.  (Depending on circumstances, parents may be requested to pick up their children, or arrange for the emergency contact person to pick up the child.)


The Ivy League Preschool is a smoke-free environment both inside the building and on the grounds.


It is the policy of The Ivy League Preschool to keep disciplinary issues as minimal as possible and to help children to learn to monitor their own behavior.  The staff of The Ivy League Preschool will present and model age-appropriate behavioral guidelines and use reflective communication to encourage children to express their emotions.

The Ivy League Preschool staff is trained in the process of positive discipline.  Positive discipline instructs children as to what they should do.  For example:  “We walk inside the building” instead of “no running.”  This philosophy of discipline is in accordance with The Ivy League Preschool belief that children learn best in an environment where love, guidance, and encouragement promote the development of self-esteem and proper behavior.

“Quiet time” may be used selectively for children over 18 months of age who are at risk of harming themselves or others.  “Quiet time” is used as a last resort after several attempts of redirection have been made.  The period of “quiet time” will be just long enough to enable the child to regain control of him/herself.  During the “quiet time” period the child will be in an area where he/she may be visually observed by a teacher/Director.  

Aggressive physical behavior (i.e., fighting, hitting, biting, etc.) by a child toward another child or staff member is unacceptable.  Staff members will intervene immediately should this type of situation occur.  Restraint may be used only so long as necessary for the child to regain control.  Children will be shown positive alternatives rather than just being told “no.”  Parents will be informed if any such incident occurs, and a conference may be requested at any time to discuss an acceptable behavioral plan for the child.  If at the discretion of The Ivy League Preschool staff, a child’s behavior is determined to be uncontrollable, extremely disruptive, and/or harmful to him/herself or others, the parent will be called to come and remove the child from school for the day.  Parents will be required to make arrangements for the child to be picked up within 45 minutes from the call.  Failure to do so may result in termination of services. The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to terminate enrollment of children who exhibit behavioral patterns, which are deemed to be harmful to themselves or others.  The determination of what is harmful and/or inappropriate is at the sole discretion of Ivy League Preschool staff.  Open communication between home and school is considered key to effective discipline.

At no time will a child at The Ivy League Preschool be subjected to physical punishment (i.e., shaking, hitting, biting, pinching, etc.) or be humiliated, frightened, or verbally abused by the staff.  Children will never be disciplined for sleep habits, toilet accidents, food consumption or lack of participation in scheduled activities.  At all times, a child’s age, emotional state, and past experiences will be considered in discipline matters.  Any violation of the school’s discipline policy should be brought to the Director’s attention immediately.


The Ivy League Preschool’s policy on toilet training is that we will begin toilet training when the child is moved into the two-year-old room.  The teacher will meet with the parent and design a plan for toilet training.  We will not begin training until the parent tells us they are ready to begin at home.

The Ivy League Preschool expects parents to observe a certain standard of conduct at the center and on its grounds.  The following items are not acceptable in the facility or on the grounds:

* Physical or verbal punishment of their children;
* Physical or verbal punishment of other children;
* Threatening staff, other parents or other children;
* Swearing/cursing or threatening/obscene gestures;
* Quarreling with other parents or staff;
* Not following policies designated to protect the safety
        and security of everyone at the center.
*Parental posting of malicious or vindictive comments on social
media sites is cause for the child's immediate expulsion
from Ivy League without compensation.


The Ivy League Preschool provides many opportunities for parents to receive information on the progress of their children as well as details on other general activities occurring from time to time at the school.  Examples of the various types of communication parents will receive include:

PARENT CONFERENCES:  Will only be given when needed. The Ivy League Preschool is here to encourage education and social behaviors. If there are issues, a conference will be indicated.

INFORMATION BOARDS:  Boards are located in each classroom as well as outside the Director’s office.  Information is provided regarding upcoming school and community events, as well as miscellaneous.  Individual classroom boards will contain lesson plans, class schedules, and attendance information.  It is recommended that parents check these boards regularly for updates and new information.

DAILY FEEDBACK:  Daily communication between staff and parent in the morning and evening provides updates on the child’s health, disposition, etc.  A long dialogue may not be possible at drop-off or pickup time as these are particularly busy times when staff is responsible for supervising all of the children in their care.  If you have a particular concern, a special appointment or a telephone conference is advised and may be arranged.  Rest time is usually the most convenient time during the day for this type of conference.


The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to deny, cancel, sever, suspend or terminate the services of any child, without notice, for any reason, so long as the determination is not based in whole or part on the race, color, creed, religion, sexual preference, age, gender, national origin, or disability of the child or child’s parents.  Any unused tuition will be refunded minus any outstanding charges for late fees. We reserve the right to deny a refund if there is an unfounded, or malicious campaign being waged against the Ivy League Preschools or its employees.
The Ivy League Preschool will not release a child to any parent, relative, or other authorized adult who appears to be impaired by the use of drugs or alcohol.  In the event this situation is suspected, a telephone call will be made to the parent, emergency contact person and/or police and the Department of Social Services, State of New York to notify them of our suspicions.

In the event that child abuse or neglect is suspected, The Ivy League Preschool has an obligation to report such suspicion to the Department of Social Services, State of New York. (Child Protective Services)

The Ivy League Preschool reserves the right to edit any of the information contained in this manual at any time, and the material contained herein should not be considered as sole determination of policy.

A copy of the Child Care Center regulations is available in the director’s office.  You may request to see a copy at any time.

Thank you for choosing The Ivy League Preschool.  Please let us know of any concerns or questions.